Projectivity Solutions Origins and Evolution
Beginning in 1990, Projectivity Solutions embarked on a journey to offer unique house development project designs to independent builders in the California Bay Area. This venture was followed by venturing into project scheduling for Silicon Valley high-tech firms. In 1994, Projectivity Solutions expanded its services to include project management offices for Fortune 500 clients and complicated program management.
Leadership Development and Organizational Excellence
Regarded as the foremost authority in accelerating organizational performance, Projectivity Solutions provides coaching, mentoring, and leadership development to CEOs and their teams. Through a combination of essential knowledge, skills, and operational methods, they empower organizations to enhance productivity and profitability.
Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness
By integrating specially designed behavior-based solutions with improved business procedures and processes, Projectivity Solutions helps businesses achieve better results. Their services have been shown to enhance organizational performance by boosting profitability, reducing operating costs, improving product quality, enhancing customer service, attracting and retaining highly motivated employees, and fostering collaboration at all levels.
Adapting to Technological Advancements
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Projectivity Solutions swiftly adapted to online client engagements. Utilizing platforms like Teams and Zoom, they ensured interactive session participation and introduced small group discussions and collaboration tools to maintain engagement and effectiveness.
Bringing Change to the Marketplace
Projectivity Solutions offers various instructional formats, including classroom, small group, or one-on-one sessions, recognizing that face-to-face communication is often the most effective way to engage with their target market. Their integrated service approach involves a comprehensive corporate evaluation followed by realignment discussions to address specific needs and challenges.
Focus on Small and Mid-Size Companies
Palmer Electric, a multigenerational construction firm, serves as a testament to Projectivity Solutions’ impact on small and mid-sized businesses. Through leadership development and strategic planning, Palmer Electric experienced significant growth and transformation, leading to increased revenue and a thriving company culture based on trust and commitment.
Looking Towards the Future
In 2023, Projectivity Solutions aims to build its advisor team, streamline strategic planning processes, and expand into new geographic markets. Every client engagement is viewed as a partnership built on trust, honesty, and dedication to helping clients achieve their goals. Projectivity Solutions remains committed to providing transparent and impactful services that drive organizational success.