Using Technology To Enable Population Health Strategy
As hospitals and health systems continue to grapple with COVID-19, population health…
Sarah S. Kramer, MD, CMIO, Yuma Regional Medical Center
As someone who was in clinical practice and ambulatory operations for roughly…
Protecting Clients And Their Businesses : Praesidio Group
Praesidio means to ‘protect’ and that forms the foundation of the Praesidio…
Margaret Graziano : Aligning Business Leaders and Their Organizations
Positioning the right people for the right job for the right reason…
Creating the Best Experience for the Customers : Michelle Gracie
A sense of belonging is something that every human being desires. Feeling…
Empowering Women : Nicole Martin
As the corporate world grows, there has been an increase in employees…
Not Afraid To Take Challenge – Melissa Orozco
The impact is often a term that is used casually to describe…
The Best for The Patients.
Most physician practices contract with multiple private payers along with Medicare and…
Supporting “Made in America” Around the World
HHave you considered expanding your market across boundaries? Perhaps you’ve been selling…
MediaBlink™: Innovating and Reshaping the Multimedia Landscape.
In the Age of Information, brand exposure and visibility have meaningful implications.…